Retirement Life
Thank you for your interest in Retirement Life™ (RL). RL is a great wealth-building tool that many people and advisors may not be familiar with.

Why use RL to build your wealth?
It’s quite simple. It is one of the only wealth-building tools available that allows you to grow money tax-free (income and capital gains) and remove the money tax-free in retirement (without income taxes).
How do many people build wealth today? They fund mutual funds and/or stocks (either in brokerage accounts or 401(k) Plans or IRAs). However, the consequence of having significant amounts of money in the stock market over the last several years has been dire.
Let’s look at the statistics: 2000-2002 crash – The S&P 500 stock index lost from the highest point to the lowest point 46% of its value. 2007-2009 crash – The S&P 500 stock index lost from the highest point in October of 2007 to the lowest point in March of 2009 50+% of its value. Data from Yahoo finance.
With Retirement Life™, when the stock market goes negative, your cash account is credited with a zero rate of return (zero is your hero in down years). When the stock market increases, you capture some or all of the gains (it depends on the product and the return).
Returns over the last 20 years
Depending on which Retirement Life™ product you look at, the 20-year back-tested returns (even with two huge market crashes) have averaged between 6%-8%. Would you have been happy with a tax-free return over the last 20 years of between 6%-8%? Most would say absolutely yes.
Hypothetical back-tested performance does not guarantee future results.
Retirement Life™ is a phrase used to describe Indexed Universal Life Insurance policies. Retirement life is not representative of any specific policy. Insurance and annuity products are not sold through Virtue Capital Management, LLC (“VCM”). VCM does not endorse any annuity or insurance product nor does it guarantee any annuity or insurance product’s performance.