We believe the best way to help you reach your financial goals is to have a formal plan. And, we believe the best way to create a plan that can be both understood and implemented is to have a formal process (one that has been tested to work again and again).
your assets are protected from creditors
your estate plan is in order to avoid probate expenses and pass wealth to your heirs
you are paying the least amount in taxes (income, capital gains, estate)
your investible assets are protected from downturns in the stock market
your assets are positioned to generate needed income in retirement
that the devastating costs for long-term care are covered
we collect the needed information from you
we discuss in detail your goals and desires
we provide a written plan with specific recommendations
our team implements the chosen plan/course of action
You are in control of the process— you will determine from the outset what you want help with. You may want a full and comprehensive plan. Or, you may want help on 1, 2, 3, or more topics. Please place an X in the box of one or more of the following items that you would like our team to assess:
An X is already placed on the fourth item above...as part of our process, we are unable to have any meaningful discussions about your wealth unless you spend 5 minutes going through our Risk Questionnaire. Therefore, this item is NOT optional.
The goal is to work collaboratively with you to reach the ultimate goal, which is to put a comprehensive plan in place. And the best way to do so is with a systematic approach. The following are the steps that will be followed which will result in you receiving a formal recommendation of what should be done and in what order.
The time frame to complete this process will be determined by a few factors:
Once “all” needed information has been provided, a formal written recommendation should be ready for delivery/discussion within 7-10 days.
Provide the following personal information:
Click here to take our investment risk tolerance questionnaire to determine your personal "Risk Score."
Step #2—Title/value/debt of assets— list all valuable assets and how they are titled (who owns them).
Step #3—Provide PDF account statements of your current investment account(s)
Brokerage account(s)
Pension (profit sharing, money purchase, etc.)
These will each be given a "Risk Score" which will be used for a suitability/alignment discussion with your personal risk score.
Step #4—Provide other documents to review:
Step #5—Provide your thoughts on the following in the short- and long-term:
Step #6—a call with you to discuss your thoughts, needs, and desired outcome.
Step #7—a written plan is drafted by our team with specific recommendations.
Step #8—call or Zoom meeting with you to go over the written plan and recommendations.
Step #9—these are implementation steps that will be outlined in the written recommendation.